In the times of Crusades, fall of the Western Roman Empire, and art and architecture comes the Middle Ages. From the 5th century to the 15th century, art and religion were a big influence in Europe. Fashion during this time period was very different depending on your social status. The way you dressed was just as important as what your name was. Also someone could express their social status by what they wore.
king would wear the finest silks; long sleeved shirts, a band around the waist, closed toed shoes, and had his hair cut short. Later on in the later years of the Middle Ages kings began to wear surcoats, gold belts, stockings, or big hats.
Men would wear what the king wore; lower the class the less valuable he dressed. If he was low on the social ladder he wouldn't wear a hat or head-dress and he wouldn't wear any jewelry or gold, but he would have worn pants, stockings, and a white shirt.
Empire style dress I found on google images |
A queen would wear what the king would wear. But usually they wore what is called an "empire dress". The empire dress was worn by women of every social class; but the upper class women would wear them of finer material (such as a finer silk or cloth). The style was a band that would come right under the bust of a woman and tie in the back. The rest of the dress flows down to the ground.
Jovani dress design |
In modern times we still have some of the same styles as back then, although we don't dress according to social class. Some modern day designers like Jovani designs evening dresses, prom dresses, and many more. He has some designs that have the empire style.
So where can a girl get this look? Well its mainly a dress design so anywhere you can get a dress, you can find this look. Individual dress designers like
Jovani and
Tony Bowls have their own websites where you can look at their dresses. Or department stores like Nordstrom's, Blooming's, or Macy's have dress sections where they can have this look.