Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What is this blog about?

Hi I'm Maddy and I am interested in fashion. I have been most of my life. When I was little I always picked out my own outfits (I always dressed oddly). Even though now I can't buy the latest Marc Jacobs bag or the newest Juicy Couture outfit I still buy clothes at Target or other stores and make it my own. Even though I "follow the crowd" on what's the latest style I also like to put my own twist to it, whether its a necklace or a headband. At the end of each post I'll suggest a store or an online store for different styles that might be interesting to the reader (like for an adult I'll post a store with adult fashions and for teenagers I'll post a store with teenage fashions).

In this blog I will be talking about fashion,from the ancient Romans to today. I'll talk about the different time periods in history and what was considered the "in" look at the time. For instance what was considered "in" in the 1960's or the 1980's in America and in other parts of the world (but mostly in America). Also I will be talking about different fashion influences/designers and how they impacted that time period. Lastly, I will talk about famous/historic figures who lived during that time period and how they dressed (like George Washington or Albert Einstein).

I hope you will enjoy this blog as much as I will.


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